
Showing posts with the label maga dukha jaay sarva maajhe

Tuka mhane tyaache paahiliya paay | maga dukha jaay sarva maajhe ||

  Ramkrishnahari. ‘Karma’ in itself is ordained as a fabric of this creation.   Whatever action we take (physically, mentally or verbally), translates into a ‘praarabdha’ (accumulated karmic results ready to be undergone).   No one can escape from it.   The ‘praarabdha’ that we create is a stencil for what we are going to experience in this very life or in our future lives.   This stencil once cut out cannot be changed.   We ourselves are its architect.   Not even the lord can alter it because if he were to do so, he would be violating the principle of creation itself which he himself has set up.   Moreover, he would stain himself with the blame of bias if he were to do so.   We might then wonder, of what avail is it then, when we seek the recourse of spirituality in our lives? The result of this recourse too works within the same principle of praarabdha’.   When we turn spiritual, we indulge in a set of actions which now create a divine stencil for the times to come.   The more inte