Haripath of Sant Jnaneshwar Mavuli - Lyrics in Marathi & Meanings in English

Haripath # 1

Waiting at the doorstep of the lord even if for one full second|
Earns for us all the four types of liberations ||1||

Chant the name of Hari ! Chant the name of Hari!|
Who is it that can attempt to estimate the virtue earned by this ? ||2||

Even as you continue your material existence, rev up your tongue to chant more and more |
So do the 'Vedas' and 'Shaastraas' (sacred texts) declare ||3||

'Jnanadeva’ says 'Sri Vyasa' has amply highlighted |
That the lord of 'Dwaraka' stationed himself at the abode of the 'Pandavas' ||4||

Haripath # 2

The four 'vedas and six 'shaastraas' elucidate the primordial reason|
And therefore along with the eighteen 'Puraanaas' sing the name of 'Hari' ||1||

Just as butter is obtained by churning the buttermilk, thus shall you obtain 'Ananta’ | From within the vast spiritual knowledge & cast by the wayside all else as worthless & wasteful matter ||2||

'Hari' alone is that single entity which prevades both the liberated and embodied |
Do not unnecessarily laden your mind with other things which are complicated and burdensome ||3||

'Jnanadeva' says 'I study the name of 'Hari', also hailed as 'vaikunthaa’ |
I am able to sense that 'Hari's dense and thick omnipresence ||4||

Haripath # 3

The three qualities of nature is bereft of essence ; The attribute-less supreme spirit is the essence of all |
'Haripath' is the final frontier on pondering and distinguishing over that which is essence and which is not ||1||

As 'Saguna' the attribute-ful & 'Nirguna' is the attribute-less |
If not contemplated as the forms of 'Hari' by the mind, results in being wasteful ||2||

That which is intrinsically unmanifest, that which does not have any shape, that which does not have any form |
The fountainhead of creation consisting of matter and consciousness, that 'Hari', devote yourselves unto him ||3||

'Ramakrishna' dwells in 'Jnanadeva's' contemplative state as well as mental conditioning |
Thereby granting immeasurable virtue & merit in having led this human life ||4||

Haripath # 4

There is no devotion without devotional fervour & liberation without devotion |Just as one should not talk about power while not possessing any strength ||1||

Therefore how is the lord going to be pleased quickly by you ?|
Stay merely calm with devotion rather than straining yourself unnecessarily ||2||

Day in and day out, you undertake so many strenuous tasks in this world|
But do not think it necessary to sing 'Hari's' name or any of his qualities !!!  ||3||

'Jnanadeva' says chanting the name of 'Hari' |
Will severe the bonds of this creation from you ||4||

Haripath # 5

The paths of 'Yoga' & 'Yaaga' cannot confer on us the realisation of the ultimate  |
Such an effort goes in vain and instead instils in us a sense of arrogant assumption & false ego ||1||

Without an iota of doubt, one can say that the lord cannot be realised without devoutness |
Without the association of a 'guru' how can a divine experience at all be achieved ? ||2||

Without penance, the lord cannot be obtained just as nothing can be obtained without giving |
Without revealing the spiritual secrets how else can anyone impart what is good for us ||3||

'Jnanadeva' states what has been realised & experienced by himself as an example |
It is only in the company of the saintly that a way out for salvation be found ||4||

Haripath # 6

Initiated by a divine person, in terms of worldly existence, a person will be relegated to a state of non-residuum |
Even his existence in the experiential plane will cease as he merges with the infinite ||1||

The camphor which radiates and gives light |
Also itself ceases to exist once the flame has stopped ||2||

The one who has touched the horizon of liberation completely merges into that pinnacle of fortunes |
The stamp of his association with divine persons elevates him to the stature of a 'Hari Bhakta' ||3||

'Jnanadeva''s experience of sweetness in the companionship of the pure-hearted saints|
Has resulted in his identifying the consciousness principle - 'Hari', manifesting itself in every living entity as well as the entire creation  ||4||

Haripath # 7

The mountain-like pile up of sins committed |
Becomes a very tough coating for those who do not devote themselves to the lord ||1||

The one who is not devout is a sinner, bereft of any devotional feelings |
By not worshipping 'Hari' he is becomes wretched & luckless ||2||

The one who is a loudmouth and blabbers & prattles constantly |
How will he ever achieve 'Gopal' and 'Hari' ? ||3||

'Jnanadeva' says 'Aatma' (consciousness principle) is the truth |
That single-most supreme entity is manifested in every one and every place in all it's completeness ||4||

Haripath # 8

Divert the mind's propensities towards the association of saint|
Only by treading their path will we be able to know 'Hari' ||1||

The only sentiment of one's life should be to chant the names 'Rama' 'Krishna' |
The chanting of 'Rama's name is the soul of lord 'Shiva' ||2||

The spiritual discipline of chanting the name which is the 'unique principle' begets it for the aspirant |
The bondage of duality thereby does not bind him ||3||

The sweet elixir of the lord's name which is experienced by 'vaishnavas' |
Is the same as what is experienced by the 'yogis' at the pinnacle of their austerities ||4||

The chanting of the name by 'Prahlada' immediately radiated in his heart |
It also earned the generous 'Sri Krishna' for 'Udhdhava'  ||5||

'Jnanadeva' says chanting of the name is very simple |
But know it to be difficult and rare to witness, even if you look all around ||6||

Haripath # 9

Without the inclusion of ‘Vishnu', any chant or knowledge is worthless |
So is it, if 'Rama' and 'Krishna' do not reside in the mind ||1||

Birth as an human is wretched if one does not tread the path of 'Advaita' |
How will then one ever be able to find solace in the realm of 'Rama' and 'Krishna' ||2||

Who else other than the guru can help vanquish 'duality' and impart spiritual knowledge |
Without which even steadfastness in chanting the name cannot happen ||3||

'Jnanadeva' says 'Saguna' (the one with attributes) is to be contemplated |
By the chant of the lord's name, the whole creation is silenced ||4||

Haripath # 10

Visiting the 'Triveni Sangam' and roaming across various pilgrimage centres |
Without our heart being rooted in the sacred name, then is an utter waste ||1||

Any human who has turned away his face from the chanting of the lord's name is a sinner |
To come running to our aid, there is none else other than 'Hari' whom anyone can identify  ||2||

It is popularly declared in the 'puranas' by 'Sri Valmiki' |
That it is only the sacred name that can emanicipate all the three worlds ||3||

'Jnanadeva' says chant the name of 'Hari' |
One's whole lineage and anscestary will be purified ||4||

Haripath # 11

By uttering the name of 'Hari', countless sinful propensities |
Will attain elimination in the matter of a second ||1||

Just as the fire completely merges a strand of straw into itself when the straw comes into contact with it |
So does the divine name of 'Hari' do when chanted ||2||

The utterance of sacred hymn 'Hari' is indeed very great |The influences of ghosts run away in utter fear ||3||

'Jnanadeva' says my 'Hari' is very capable |
The 'Upanishads' themselves are unable to elaborate him ||4||

Haripath # 12

The fruition of undergoing pilgrimages, religious observances & austerities unaccompanied by devotional fervour |
Ends up in an utter squander and merely creating difficulties for oneself O brethren! ||1||

Only by the strength of devotional fervour can the lord can be realised ; cannot be realised by any other means |
'Hari' can be attained akin to holding a 'gooseberry' in our palm ||2||

Picking up strewn miniscule grains one by one from the floor |
Is what can be equated to the efforts of multiple spiritual disciplines undergone one over the other ||3||

'Jnanadeva' says 'Nivrutti' (his guru) |
Has handed over and placed the supreme attribute less entity in all it's fullness on his hands ||4||

Haripath # 13

An eternal union with 'Hari', bereft of experiencing the joy of equality between the individual and universal self |
Take note that this is not possible if the sense of duality exists.||1||

The wealth that is the human intellect is to be utilised for nothing else |
It is only due to 'Kesavaraja' that everything can be attained ||2||

'Riddhi', 'Sidhi' and 'Nidhi', all of which are nothing else but more hurdles |
If ultimate bliss does not reside in one's mind ||3||

'Jnanadeva' regales in the bliss arising from experiencing unision of the individual and universal self |
The contemplation on 'Hari' is happening constantly ||4||

Haripath # 14

The one who chants the name of 'Hari' in abundance daily |
On him the age of 'kali' will not even cast it's glance ||1||

Chanting the names of 'Rama' & 'Krishna' is equivalent to conducting immeasurable  penances |
The whole band of evil intents and sins scurry away ||2||

'Hari' 'Hari' 'Hari' is the sacred hymn that 'Shiva' chants |
The one who chants it attains liberation ||3||

'Jnanadeva' chants the name of lord 'Narayana' |
On account of which one secures the loftiest and eternal realm ||4||

Haripath # 15

Accept only that one name 'Hari'.  Keep any other second name at bay |
The skill of comprehending the beauty of Non-dualism is known only to a selected few ||1||

Accepting equanimity entails experiencing 'Sri Hari' seamlessly |
Having done this, the one who accepts observance of austerities & self-restraint achieves ‘Hari' ||2||

'Rama' is present in all of this creation and as the one and only unique entity residing in each bodily abode |
Just as the glittering 'Sun' with thousands of it's rays ||3||

'Jnanadeva' says, in my heart resides only the discipline of chanting the name of ‘Hari'|
Thus I am freed from the need to take any more births after this life ||4||

Haripath # 16

It is indeed rare to find a person who chants the name of 'Hari' with intent |
It is very easy to call out the names 'Rama' & 'Krishna' ||1||

Unto the person on whom the chanting of the names of 'Rama' & 'Krishna' have conferred the deepest state of contemplation |
All the supernatural & mystic powers are attained ||2||

These powers, intellect and principles of righteousness are obtained by the chant of the name 'Hari' |
In the company of the divine persons, materialistic propensities are vanquished ||3||

'Jnanadeva' says the names 'Rama' & 'Krishna' are firmly rooted in his mind |
Because of which the supreme self is witnessed in all the 10 direction ||4||

Haripath # 17

When a person sings the name & praises of 'Hari' |
The whole body of that person gets sanctified ||1||

This penance, by the efficacy of getting accumulated in a large measure |
Qualifies that person to reside in the divine abode 'Vaikuntha' for an infinite period ||2||

That person's mother, father, siblings and even all brethren |
Will also attain the four-handed divine form ||3||

The loftiest & most well-guarded spiritual knowledge ever known, is received by 'Jnanadeva' |
'Nivrutti' himself has placed it on my hands says he ||4||

Haripath # 18

Other than the study of 'Harivamsha Purana' and indulging in the singing of 'Hari's' name |
And not knowing any other relationship other than 'Hari' ||1||

Such a person who remains so, will unfailingly get to become one with 'Vaikuntha’ |
By this, have it considered that the person has completed all pilgrimages too ||2||

A person who merely treads his life as per his mind's whims will be waylaid here |
The one who is rooted in the chanting of 'Hari's' name alone is blessed ||3||

'Jnanadeva''s experience of sweetness is on account of his coming together with the name of 'Hari' |
At all times, the liking for 'Rama' and 'Krishna' remains ||4||

Haripath # 19

As per the 'Vedas' & 'Shaastraas' which are the authentic evidences and known as declarations of the 'Srutis' |
There is only one essence - 'Narayana', on which one needs to contemplate and chant ||1||

Chanting, contemplating, actions and other spiritual pursuits without ‘Hari' |
Are an unnecessary strain and will end up in an utter waste ||2||

Those who have followed the path of 'Haripath' have attained immense peace |
Just as the bumble bee which rejoices & peacefully loses itself to the nectar of the flowers ||3||

'Jnanadeva's' hymn - the chanting of the name of 'Hari' and is a weapon |
Which makes 'Yama' - the god of death wary of us and our brethren and will cast us away untouched ||4||

Haripath # 20

With the pairing up of 'Vaishnavas' (devotees of Lord Vishnu) with the discipline of chanting of the lord's name |
Crores of accumulated sins are washed away ||1||

Chanting of the lord's name once is equal to penances conducted over several lives |
Amongst the various spiritual paths, the path of chanting the lord's name is the easiest ||2||

'Yoga' (spiritual discipline), 'Yaaga' (sacrificial practices), 'Kriya' (disciplines), 'Dharma' (righteousness), 'Adharma' (immorality), 'Maya' (illusion) |
All of these merge into the discipline of chanting of the lord's name ||3||

For 'Jnanadeva', 'Yagna' (rituals), 'Yaaga', 'Kriya', 'Dharma' |
Is the chanting of the name of 'Hari' and with no second to it  ||4||

Haripath # 21

Stipulations of period and time are not applicable for chanting the lord’s name |
So also do the maternal as well as paternal lineages get emanicipated ||1||

The chanting of the names of ‘Rama’ and ‘Krishna’ will usurp all wrong doings |
‘Hari’ is the sole salvation for both ‘inert matter’ as well as ‘living beings’ ||2||

Chant the names of ‘Hari - the essence of everything with this tongue |
Who can ever declare a parallel to ‘Hari’ or attempt to describe him ||3||

‘Jnanadeva’ says due to the chanting of the names of ‘Hari’ |
The pathway to ‘Vaikuntha’ (the abode of Hari) for anscestors has been made simple ||4||

Haripath # 22

It is indeed very rare to find a person who as a discipline chants the name of “Hari’ daily |
The consort of goddess ‘Lakshmi’ will always be in his vicinity ||1||

‘Narayana Hari’ ‘Narayana Hari’ |
When recited, causes both material fortune as well as the 4 realms of liberation to reside in his place of residence ||2||

A lifetime spent without the chanting of the names of ‘Hari’ is utter hell |
Such person becomes a guest of ‘Yama’ - the god of death ||3||

‘Jnanadeva’ enquired ‘Nivrutti’ about his thoughts |
“It’s importance towers even above the skies” said he ||4||

Haripath # 23

The primary principles of creation are identified as a combination of 7, 5, 3, 10 |
Know it that all these principles finally merge into one single principle 'Hari' ||1||

Among the various spiritual paths, the path of chanting the lord's name, unlike the others, is the most superior |
Over here one does not face any difficulties ||2||

In the meditative practices of chanting - 'Ajapaajapa' and the reversal of 'Praana' |
There is a dire need for a complete control of the mind ||3||

'Jnanadeva' says leading a life without the chanting of the lord's name it is a sheer waste |
Therefore has he set out into the path of chanting 'Rama' and 'Krishna'  ||4||

Haripath # 24

The discipline and the righteous act of chanting the lord’s name and penance thereby|
When done with a pure heart reveals the manifestation of ‘Rama’ and ‘Krishna’ in everything and everywhere ||1||

Do not ever let go off the devotional fervour and cast away all doubts O dear ! |
Break open a tirade of the names of ‘Rama’ and ‘Krishna’ daily ||2||

Caste, wealth, lineage, strictures and intellect |
Irrespective of any of these, immediately dedicate yourself with full devotion ||3||

‘Jnanadeva’s’ contemplation with ‘Rama’ & ‘Krishna’ in his mind |
Has made ‘Vaikuntha’ as his abode ||4||

Haripath # 25

In the presence of the divine, divisions such as erudite and ignorant do not exist |
To qualify for liberation, it is only the chanting of the lord's name that matters ||1||

The uttering of the names 'Narayana Hari' |
Ensures that over there the age of 'Kali' cannot create any dent  ||2||

Where 'vedas' which are our authentic reference itself fail in comprehending |
How will mere mortals be able to grasp and understand it ? ||3||

For 'Jnanadeva', the fruits of chanting 'Narayana' |
Is that every thing around him has been converted to ‘Vaikuntha' ||4||

Haripath # 26

O mind ! Hold on steadfastly to that single most true principle which is the name of the lord |
Lord 'Hari's' compassion will flow into you ||1||

O dear ! Chanting of that name is so simple - 'Rama', 'Krishna', 'Govinda' |
Call out those names emotionally and begin first by chanting it ||2||

O dear ! There is no other principle worth considering, other than the chanting of the lord's name |
Do not hurriedly stray into other unnecessary paths as it will only end up in a squander ||3||

'Jnanadeva', in total silence, moves a rosary within his heart accompanied to the chant of the lord's name, |
Holding 'Sri Hari' and recites so, constantly ||4||

Haripath # 27

The sweetness which is at the core of all forms of joy and the essence of all the 'shaastraas' (scriptures) |
Do not ever remain without it even for half a second ||1||

The whole of this creation is an illusory projection |
Therefore unnecessarily do not keep entering and exiting having not chanted it - the name of 'Hari' ||2||

Chanting the name of the lord which itself is a sacred hymn will drive away scores of sins |
Resolve your mind to steadfastedly stay on the name of 'krishna'  ||3||

Uproot your innate propensities and cut asunder the bondage of illusion |
Do not seek refuge / hide behind your senses ||4||

Nurture a fondness for visiting pious and pure pilgrimage centres |
Be a host to 'Hari' by making your heart an abode for 'peace', 'compassion' ||5||

For 'Jnanadeva', the spiritual knowledge imparted by 'Nivruttideva' is the authentic source |
And that is 'Haripath' - the chanting of the names of 'Hari' which has conferred eternal communion with the universal self ||6||

Naama sankeerthana Saadhana Pai Sope

Singing the glories of the lord is a very simple austere discipline |
It burns down sins which have got committed over several lives ||1||

One does not have to undertake the efforts of retiring to the forests |
'Narayana' rather very pleasingly himself visits the abode of your heart ||2||

Seated peacefully, gather your mind solitude |
Lovingly dwell on 'ananta' and immerse in him ||3||

'Rama', 'Krishna', 'Hari', 'Vithala', 'Kesava' |
Recite these sacred hymns forever ||4||

Other than this there is no other austerity to follow |
I pledge on the name of 'Vithoba' about this ||5||

'Tuka' says it is the most simple than anything else |
The one who is smart will recognise and immediately partake it to become wealthy ||6||

Jnaneshwar Mavuli | Haripath | Sampoorna Haripaat | Hari Mukhe Mhana


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