Tuka mhane vate | Nako phuto deu phaate



It is common knowledge that while it takes a huge effort to earn a fortune, it takes an even greater effort to safeguard it.  If it is not guarded well, not only will all our strife go in vain, there will also be no surety if we will be able to earn that fortune all over again, all too soon.  Until now, we have had the fortune to enjoy the innumerable rays of ‘Tuka’s’ ‘bhaavaas’ radiating from his abhangs.  These abhangs demonstrate the plane of ‘tuka’s existence.  He existed in a sphere which was para-normal.  His ‘bhava’ always soared higher and higher, with no let up.  Would he therefore not want to safeguard it?  He did desire that and here is an abhang which he places as a prayer before his beloved ‘vithala’.  Let us enjoy this abhang in the form of an imaginary dialogue between ‘Tuka’ and ‘Vithu’.

Vith : ‘Tuka’, did you call my name ?  That is why I came running to you.

Tuka : Yes ‘Vithu’ ! The more I call your name, the more are the ‘bhaavaas’ which flow within me.

Vithu : ‘Bhaavaas’ ?  What are they ‘Tuka’ ?

Tuka : What else ?  Thoughts which have you as the pivot.

Vithu : Me ?  What is there in me for so many ‘bhaavaas’ to erupt within you?

Tuka : Vithu !  Tell me ! Why are you now talking to me ?  What is there in me that you are talking to me now ?

Vithu : Smiles…. I am unable to talk to anyone to my heart’ content.  Your ‘prema’ makes me talk and satisfies me.

Tuka : Hmmm…Do you see ?  What is that ‘prema’ that you are referring to?

Vithu : Your ‘bhakti’-laced thoughts ‘tuka’.

Tuka : There you are !  That is what is called ‘bhaavaa’.

Vithu : Oh ! so your ‘prema’ is that ‘bhaavaa’.  I get it.  Do you know, it pulls, rather drags me to you.

Tuka : Yes Vithu ! Now you will agree that it is this ‘bhaavaa’ which earns you.

Vithu : So ?

Tuka : Will I then not hold ‘bhaavaas’ dear to my heart ?  Without it there is no way I can hold you !! These ‘bhaavaas’ come wave after wave.  But I need to ask something from you.

Vithu : ‘Tuka’ these bhaavaas are all completely yours because they come from within you.  What is in it that I can do for you that you want to ask something from me ?

Tuka : ‘Vithu’, These ‘bhaavaas’ are just carriers or vehicles.  They will carry anything that is given to them.  These ‘bhaavaas’ can carry material subjects, spiritual subjects, philosophical subjects and the list is endless.  But I am also aware that they can carry you as the subject.

Vithu : That’s fine.  So you carry what you want !!  It’s your wish !!  What is in it for me ?

Tuka : Vithu ! do not speak so!  To carry you or my guru as the subject of my ‘bhaavaas’, it can never be my wish.

Vithu : Then who can wish you that ‘bhaavaa’.

Tuka : don’t you know ?  But I will answer only to honour your question.  Placing you or my guru on that bhaavaa is completely in both your control.

Vithu : Laughing…  how do you say that ?

Tuka : The mind generates thoughts and ‘bhaavaas’ based on what the eyes see, the ears hear, the nose smells, the tongue tastes and the sense of touch to the skin.  There is no scope to catch you with any of these.  Do you agree ?

Vithu : Yes.  I agree.  I am beyond all these.

Tuka : Then tell me vithu?  Wherefrom did my ‘bhaavaas’ catch you?

Vithu : Silent…  Smiles… I will now honor your question and answer.  I gave myself to you.

Tuka : That’ why I said that if the guru or you are there in my ‘bhaavaas’, it is both of you who have benevolently decided to reside in it.

Vithu : Tuka ! You win !  Ask for a boon from me.

Tuka : The saints of yesteryears have taught us that after having got you, there is no boon that one can ask for ?  Because, after getting you, everything is complete.  There is nothing to be desired.  But I am not like them.  I still want to ask of you 3 things.  Fortunately, you yourself have broached it.

Vithu : Go ahead ‘Tuka’, whatever your wish is a command for me.  I shall fulfil it.

Tuka : आलें भागा तें करितों ! you are aware that I have embraced whatever destiny has conferred upon me without even a smirk in my face.  I have never detested it.  I perform to the best of my abilities.  At the same time, I have learnt to do all these interspersing the chanting of your name तुझें नाम उच्चारितों.  That way I do not run away from my responsibilities but at the same time associate myself completely with you at least on a verbose level.  I may not realise you but I just chant your name.

Vithu : O Tuka ! Only because you chant my name, even if without knowing my worth, I decided to let you know my worth by placing myself on your thoughts.  Now you know why & how I entered your ‘bhaavaas’ !!!  Whoever calls me, I run to them !

Tuka : Is that not a great fortune my lord ? Now please do me a favour.  This is the first boon I seek of you.  आतां माझ्या भावा । अंतराय नको देवा  Let this ‘bhaavaa’ be a continuous unbroken string.  There should be no gap between two ‘bhaavaas’ which is occupied by any other thought other than you.

Vithu : Done ‘tuka’.  What is the 2nd boon you seek ?

Tuka : दृढ माझें मन My mind should be steadfast.  Enough of all the wanderings it has indulged until it met you.  Please tie it up with only these ‘bhaavaas’ henceforth येथें राखावें बांधोन.  Having tied down to the stump of ‘bhaavaas’, even if it will tend to wander, it will go round and round only around you.

Vithu : Winks and says… ‘Tuka’.  As you sow, so shall you reap !!! You have tied me down (with your ‘bhakti’).  I will return that favour by tying down your mind (to me).  What is left to be asked ?  What is the third boon you seek ?

Tuka : Vithu !  Let me always be straight.  Let there be no crookedness in my.  तुका म्हणे वाटे In the path I tread, नको फुटों देऊं फांटे let there be no by-lanes, lest I go astray.

‘Vithu’ is supremely pleased with ‘Tuka’ and fills up his ‘bhaavaas’ even more than before. 

Just then, ‘tuka’ opened his eyes.  He was seated beneath a tree.  The soft rays of the sun were illuminating everything around.  A soft breeze was blowing caressing everything that came in it’s way.  There was brook flowing nearby joyfully.  The birds were fluttering around and chirping in gay abandon.  The bees were humming a tune ardently amidst the dancing flowers.  ‘Vithal’ shone everywhere and in everything.  ‘Tuka’ realised that he had undergone yet another ‘bhaavaapoorna’ journey with his chum ‘vithu’ in the realms of his heart and that this ‘bhaavaa’ had now handed over the baton to yet another ‘bhaava’ for ‘tuka’ to experience ‘vithu’ in mohter nature that was all around him.


आतां माझ्या भावा । अंतराय नको देवा ॥१॥

आलें भागा तें करितों । तुझें नाम उच्चारितों ॥ध्रु.॥

दृढ माझें मन । येथें राखावें बांधोन ॥२॥

तुका म्हणे वाटे । नको फुटों देऊं फांटे ॥३॥

Curator: Sri Pundalik Maharaj Dehukar, a descendant of Sant Tukaram

Bhaavaartham: Mumbai Sri Srinivasa Bhagavatar 

Editor: Smt Poornima Srikanth, Tripunithura, Smt. Vishaka Srinivasan, Mumbai

Tamil translation: Smt Vasantha Srinivasan, Bengaluru 

Co-ordinator: V R Radhakrishnan, Chennai 


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